1. Aydın, O. (2023). Anachronism in Contemporary Art. Proficiency in Art Thesis. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alaybey Karoğlu.
2. Aydın, O. (2017). Propoganda Aimed Manipulation in Hollywood Cinema. Research Report. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alaybey Karoğlu.
3. Aydın, O. (2017). The Ontology of Postmodernism on the Evolution of Art. Article, 2017.
4. Aydın, O. (2017). The Impact of Phylosopy of Technology on Contemporary Art. Article. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Fulya Bayraktar.
5. Aydın, O. (2016). Urban Theme After 1980 in Turkish Art. Master's Thesis. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bülent Salderay.
6. Aydın, O. (2016). Pastiche in Interdisciplinary Art. Research Report. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alaybey Karoğlu.
7. Aydın, O. (2016). Topographic Landscape Paintings in Primitive Turkish Art. Research Report. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Canan Deliduman.
8. Aydın, O. (2015). 16th Century Ottoman Art. Research Report. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alev Çakmakoğlu Kuru.
9. Aydın, O. (2014). Uyghur Painting Under the Influence of Manichaeism. Research Report. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alev Çakmakoğlu Kuru.
10. Aydın, O. (2014). The Neo-Cons. Research Report. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Tansel Türkdoğan.
11. Aydın, O. (2014). The Philosophy of Andy Warhol The Iconic Name of Pop Art Movement. Article.
12. Aydın, O. (2014). Sexuality in Visual Perception. Research Report. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Tansel Türkdoğan.
13. Aydın, O. (2010). The Artistic Perspective of Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu. Article.
14. Aydın, O. (2010). The Basic Differences of Art and Design. Article.
15. Aydın, O. (2010). The Tradition of Taking Photographs with the Dead People in Victorian England Under the Influence of the Industrial Revolution. Article.
16. Aydın, O. (2010). A Research Report Prepared in Addition to the Thematic Diploma Project of Bosphorus Zoo Corperate Identity, Commercial, Promotion and Environmental Design Products. Research Report. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Adem Genç.
17. Aydın, O. (2009). Pera Photographers in Constantinople: Abdullah Frères. Article.
18. Aydın, O. (2009). Avant-garde Movements in European Art. Article.
19. Aydın, O. (2008). The Characteristics of Arts and Crafts, Art Deco and Art Neouva Movements: The effects on the fields of Design and Industry. Article.
20. Aydın, O. (2008). The Main Principles of Bauhaus School. Article.